We are a conservation organization.
We raise awareness about the chambered nautilus, its precarious future, and the money needed to fund research.
Scroll down to learn more about this magnificent creature and the problems facing its species.
CLICK HERE to watch the documentary, EXPEDITION NAUTILUS: FIJI.
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We are a conservation organization.
We raise awareness about the chambered nautilus, its precarious future, and the money needed to fund research.Scroll down to learn more about this magnificent creature and the problems facing it’s species.
The nautilus is a cephalopod – a class that also includes octopus, squid, and cuttlefish.

The nautilus lineage has been on the planet for 500 million years!

Its ancestors are older than dinosaurs, fishes, and mammals.
Because of this, the nautilus is often called a living fossil.

But the species is in trouble.
The nautilus is becoming endangered because of its beauty.
Between 2005-2008 over half of a million nautilus pieces were imported to the USA alone for jewelry and decorations. [2]

Due to their delayed sexual maturity, long lifespan, and low fecundity (offspring), their ability to recover from human over-harvesting is greatly reduced.

And, frankly, we’re not cool with that.
We want to protect the nautilus.
[1]:Scanned from Ward, P.D. (1988). In Search of Nautilus: Three centuries of scientific adventures in the deep Pacific to capture a prehistoric—living—fossil.
[2]:According to the New York Times.
[2]:According to the New York Times.