A Conservation Organization
Our Friends & Partners
Earth Rangers:
Our good friends at Earthrangers have designed an educational interactive website especially for kids. They make it easy and fun for kids to make a difference and get involved.
Barron Prize:
Ridgely & Josiah were winners of the 2013 Barron Prize — raising over $11,000 to support nautilus research! The Barron Prize for young Heroes is a scholarship given out to 10 kids between the ages of 8 and 18 each year. It is amazing to learn what kids can do. Maybe one of your students will be the next winner!
Thomas A. Barron:
We owe a big thanks to our friend, Thomas Barron, renowned author and founder of the Barron prize. Thank you so much for your support! Mr. Barron helped Expedition Nautilus travel to New Caledonia in order to research new populations of nautilus there. We really appreciate it!
Nymphia- the Nautilus Mermaid:
Huge thanks to Nymphia, a professional mermaid entertainer and performer who wants to bring awareness to creatures of the ocean. Nymphia has themed her entire mermaid wardrobe after the chambered nautilus to raise awareness! In addition, she has donated a portion of the proceeds that she makes as a mermaid performer to us. Thank you so much Nymphia!
Gretchen Googe:
Special thanks to our friend Gretchen Googe for her dedication to saving the nautilus! Gretchen has been supporting Save The Nautilus for more than a year now with all sorts of creative ideas. Gretchen just celebrated her 9th birthday with a potluck fundraiser. She & her friends donated all of the money to saving the beautiful chambered nautilus! Way to go Gretchen!!! Keep inspiring us!!!
One of Gretchen’s great ideas (that we love) is to petition Endangered Species Chocolate to make a nautilus bar to raise awareness. If you agree with us that it’s a great idea email them.

Perkins School in San Diego:
Special thanks to our friends the 3rd grade class at the Perkins School in San Diego. With help from their teacher Ms. Jean Winter, the kids collected change during the school year and raised $90.87 for Save the Nautilus research. Thank you!