A Conservation Organization
Write Letters
Write letters to eBay, Amazon, Etsy and the nautilus sellers listed below and tell them to STOP selling nautilus shells!
Write letters to eBay, Amazon, Etsy and the nautilus sellers listed below and tell them to STOP selling nautilus shells!
- Spread the word. Tell your friends and family that the nautilus is endangered.
- Write or call your politicians and ask them to support the Nautilus getting listed on CITES so the trade can be stopped.
- Donate money to Dr. Ward’s research to help gather the information required by CITES to get the nautilus officially protected and end the legal trade of its shells. (*please note that in Dr. Ward’s research expeditions, no one receives a wage and all expenses go to cover DIRECT costs (boat rental, gas, research materials- etc).
Here is how Ridgely describes these data gathering expeditions:
“The scientists go out to count, measure, and weigh the nautilus population, then prove to the government that the nautilus is an endangered species so that they will stop the harvesting of this magnificent mollusk.”
Please click here to read the purpose and intention of CITES and to find out why it is so important that we gather the data they need.
Sample Letter:
Click the link below to download a sample letter written by 13-year-old Isobel McCrum of London. Feel free to cut and paste this or write your own!
Biggest Nautilus Selling Websites:
Thanks, in part to your letters, qualityshells.com and Neiman Marcus are no longer selling nautilus products!
Thanks to Sadie, one of our much-appreciated supporters, we have a list of the biggest nautilus selling websites. Please help by sending letters to these companies and tell them to stop selling nautilus shell products!!